
Sunday, May 8, 2011

A new member of 2109~~!!

!!!!~~Deng Deng Deng Deng~~!!!!
~Proudly introducing~
the NEW member of 2109
<3 Little Bob<3

Also knows as bobo (nickname), 波仔for Cantonese ~~!!

~The story of how I met Bob~
It happened in a morning....
Usual day...where i wake up late and went down to living room...
Start my day with a glass of juice and revision for exam...
Here is where the story begins....
When I open the door.. I saw two cats.....focusing on a spot....
and the 'spot' end up to be a little poor hamster~~!!! OMG~~!!! i was shocked....and honestly....i'm not that 100% sure whether that is a hamster or a rat by that time...>.<...please forgive me for being ignorant...@.@
But still...i managed to respond fast enough to call my dear in helping me to rescue the 'hamster/rat" before the little thing become the cats' meal...
The two evil cat is so fierce....don't even feel scare when chasing them away...and the hamster run fast..>.<....
the Hero of the Day...Desmond to capture and save it.... is one of the member of 2109~~!!!
and the story ends here...XD unexpected....i've always wanted to adopt a pet...a hamster or a puppy....
but comes a little cute hamster...hehe...
This little hamster love to curl like a ball and sleep...and is a HE~~!!this is why I called it BOB...boboXD
and we brought a new cage for it....just a little 'single storey house'..with a hamster run way..hehe..
sorry ya BOB..we can't afford a 'bungalow' for u...:p

the 'single storey house' that i mentioned^^

It is so cute when he run in the 'ball'...when he eat...he sleep...wipe his face...and many more...
IT is JUST so CUTE~~!!!
but it is very naughty....a 'spider-hamster' that can climb on the bar of the cage...even reach to ceiling of the time i will train him to run on the ping pong ball..XD

But still..we are all so happy with the presence of BOB...!!!

<3Little BOB<3

~happy to have a new pet^^luv u BOB~

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