
Monday, September 26, 2011


Is really funny...
we always expect others to understand us....
but how do you expect people to understand you...
they don't read mind...
they wont understand you until you say it out....

so what for to angry somebody who cant understand you...
cant get you....
is stupid when they don't even know you are pissing...
and you are just the idiot who keep feeling angry alone...><...
without him knowing...

Angry on something he wont even know....
wont even understand...

Is it stupid??

~now....angry with me!!myself...for being that stupid person!!~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

H.O.M.E ^^

Feel like to blog..
but don't know what to blog....
can't even set a title for this blog post...zzZZ
Just a little updates...
Currently having Raya holiday in my hometown..
Home Sweet Home <3...
Every time when I come back to this home...
is feel like coming back to a paradiseXD...a sanctuary...
a place to relax...charging...healing...haha...
where meals are always ready...nice bed...and lots and lots of caring from family...
love it <3

Suddenly realize there are a lot of changes..
changing without noticing...
everybody is leaving home...
Start from my dad...who are the one that always work outstation...
then to me...shifting out and study in Kampar..
follow by my sis who currently pursuing her studies in Taiwan...
its been lesser and lesser time that we all spent in this home....
we are all the stage that we need to be independent...leaving home..
how fast...haha..><...
never notice seems that we are still the kid last time..surrounding our parents...
but in another moment..we are all leaving...staying by ourselves now...
what a  transition....><..happening naturally..
is this what we called...

..The little bird can fly with its own wings now..
..leaving the NEST..

I know that my family especially my grandmom hope to see me back more frequent..
(suddenly feel guilty for seldom returning home..even though i'm the one who live the closest..)
I know they care and love me..
(and again...feel guilty for not taking good care of myself..always fall sick..)
Luckily they never blame me for not coming back frequently...
they show their understanding...and supportive..

So, i promise to come back more frequent and take good care on ME to MYSELF

~BE the little bird that will ALWAYS fly back to the NEST~

hehe...write till here...I think I know what to set for the tittle...^^
~Nitez WORLD~

Friday, August 19, 2011


HahA~~holiday MOOD~~ON~~!!!
what a happening semester.....XD
seems gone through many things, lots of events, assignment, mid term, presentation, outing, and clubbingXD...

Even though is not sem break now..
but I'm already in holiday MOOD~~

Pictures says a Thousands Words!!
LET's have a Sneak View on I have gone through this semester...

The Romantic and Remarkable Night~~ "Waltz With Love 2011"
188 pairs student dances waltz together to break the Malaysia's Record^^
Me and bunch of frenz^^ the balloon bride, groom and cupid^^ so cute and impressive
Me and my 'handsome' dear dear :p
hehe~~Me and 'WAH WAH" :p...syok sendiri :p...

The Retro Night!! Back to 60XD~~ " 60's Night" aka Y.E.S Annual Dinner
Baba and Nyonya CornerXD...
hehe..with a 'sozai' :p
Three pretty girls...Wakaka~~!!!
Old Shanghai Corner..hehe...luv the telephoneXD

Movie Maniac XD
Watch a lot of blockbuster Movie..wee.wee...

The movie that accompany me since primary school...
The novel that I addicted to
"Harry Potter Series"
The last part of the Harry Potter Series 
Everything ends here..sob sob...
Say Bubbye to my favourite novel...><
Thanks J.K.Rowling for bringing me into a magical world...TT

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon
Another blockbuster movie..Woohoo...
quite disappointed..the fighting scene just too little...
and the storyline lack of creativity...
But i still love the autobots <3
Optimus Prime~~!! the LEADER of Autobots~~!!

Bumblebee~!! So cute <3 love it

and new character
The Sentinel
who I thought is a good autobot..but ended up he is the bad guy..><

hehe....and lots of outing and clubbing..zzZZ
being categorize as CLUBBER...zzZZ
to be honest..
I'm NOT~~!!! XD
I just love to move along with the music...not sexy dance..zzZZ
juz move along with the rhythm.. :p..with a little drinking XD
believe it or not..hehe 

Enjoy everything that I gone through :p
<3Love My Life<3

~hehe..nitez world^^~

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Back to UNI~~!!!

Its been quite a long time after the previous post....haha....>.<
As the previous post is about waiting for my final the results is out...
and my Year 2 Trimester 2 had started... results is not that bad as what I expect....haha....or maybe I had already prepare for the worst??XD doesn't matter any more...what matter is the new trimester^^ a brand new start~~

Saw a lot of newbies this trimester...haha...and realize that 91s is no longer the young generation in my Uni...
they are a lot of 93s now..haha...being replace by themXD...and the fact is...i'm it too early to say old..??haha..what I mean is that I'm already the senior now..wakaka...

Things are getting tougher and tougher as I get into the second year....
the subjects I take is no longer the fundamental thing like what I study in foundation and year 1...
and the worst is that I'm taking 7 subjects this trimester....
with two calculation..or 3 calculation subjects that I'm not good with...(close friends will know how bad is my maths....)
with a lot of assignment, mid terms and presentation....>.< OMG.... I think the honeymoon time that I used to have during the first 5 week will be gone and being replace by loads of work and non-stop of presentation and mid- term.....AHHH~~!!!

Anyway...this is my choice...I choose to take 7 subjects...and I'm willing to take this challenge...but to maintain my CGPA...I will have to get rid of few bad habits....
1st: Procrastination...
2nd: last minutes study and assignment..
3rd: skipping class.....
hehe... I'm serious....XD

Hope everything will be fine....nothing bad what I want is to graduate from my UNI... nothing much..>.<
anticipating for an exciting and memorable UNI life^^

Thursday, May 26, 2011







Grr~~!!! Come on~~!!!

~waiting results is really torturing~

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Random Decision~~XD

Really a random decision~~!!!!
Yesterday night I was chatting with my aunt, uncle, mom and grandma...
There were always a topic about taiwan... where my cousin and my sis are studying there^^
then my aunt pop a news saying that AirAsia is having a super promotion for next year, around MAY...
flight for international and domestic is having big sale^^

This is where the Random DECISION made~~!!!
My mom and aunt suddenly said...why not me and my aunt book flights to Taiwan and visit my sis and cousin...>.<
and surprisingly...the others agreed too...even my aunt said ON~~!!! OMG~~!!! is so random and spontaneous...~~!!!
and she start online booking ticket already...
OhMy~~!!!! I still can't really digest all the information....and there is one thing...only ONE thing that I concern and is bothering me...>.<
will it clash with my next year's exam??....because usually during May, we will be having finals...if really clash....then...there is no choice for me...I have to forgone the trip already....really an risky decision...payment is made...and the ticket cannot be transfer to anyone else....TT..this worry me alot...I dun wish to waste the money....haiz...

Anyway..the decision is MADE..and I'm quite happy actuallyXD...going vacation for a weekXD....just that.. hope everything is fine...nothing happen....and won't clash with my exam...>.<..."Amitabha..."

To be really worth^^... round-trip ticket is only RM800+...really really worth...if without sales...a one way ticket can cost up to RM1500 include all tax and fees...>.< haha...thinking this make me feel better...XD

Time to start saving for my Vacation~~!! TAIWAN..I'm coming..(is it too early to say??XD)

~hope nothing happen next year>.<..really nervousXD~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Hair Style~~Curly CurlyXD

Hehe...finally curl my hair...XD...
Take me some time to consider and make decisionXD...
To look more mature and save my time in combing and drying hair..XD..
I go for CURLY Hair^^ 
wakaka..lame reason is it??

Actually I wanted to change my style for a long time...
Juz don't know whether to cut it short or curl it...
But still I can't let go my long hair...that I keep for a long time..>.<

After 2 and a half hours...
long and straight hair
become long and curly hairXD

Whenever you get your hair style by hair amazingly nice...
But when I try to style myself after bath....
no matter how hard I try...
still can't get the effect that I want..>.< 
(haha...if can style by own...there is no need to find hairstylist already..)
but still.. it still look ok..fine..hehe..luckily..

Think I have to improve my skill in taking care my hair...>.<
Anyway...I'm very happy with my new hair style..
Look main intention XD

~enjoy playing with my hairXD~

Monday, May 16, 2011



现在考完试了超轻松~~!!! 是时候更新了^^


撇开伤心事不谈。。不知不觉地。。我大二的第一个学期就这样过了。。。三个月。。一眨眼就过了。。。回想起来。。好像经历了很多。。期中考啊、功课啊、发表啊。。一大堆的。。哈哈。。不过很多时候都是浑浑噩噩的过。。到处去玩。。还收留了一个可怜的小仓鼠。。哈哈。。很有感触。。回想起当时。。不知天高地厚地。。拿着预考成绩就浩浩荡荡的踏进UTAR大门。。。完全没有想过被当掉的风险。。现在竟然是大二生了。。想起来真是捏了把冷汗。。@.@ (不懂死字怎样写XD)现在距离我毕业的日子还有一段时间。。真的要拼了!!!。。不然对不起自己XD

不过呢。。。这些都是下学期的事。。下学期再算吧XD(典型的我>.<)现在唯一想做的事。。。就是好好享受我那少得可怜的假期~~ 这个假期呢。。要好好休息。。调整我的作息时间。。要变回人类了^^。。还有就是。。整理我的仪容。。。显然蛮多人对我的仪容、穿著都有意见。。尤其是我爸妈。。。都嫌我很邋遢。。。一点都不像个女生。。不会打扮。。(真是冤枉。。明明我就是走朴实路线。。竟然嫌我邋遢。。无言。。>.<)所以。。趁着这个假期。。我要把我的‘杂草’整理好。。来个卷发~~ (哈哈。。可以省掉梳头的时间^^又可以看起来成熟点。。)再来就是配副眼镜~~^^ (原因:我戴上眼镜后,很多人不认得我。。加上。。‘它’受重伤了)。。所以是时候了。。还有还有。。。这假期最重要的任务。。就是多陪家人~~!!!^^感觉上。。下学期能见到他们的时间会更少。。TT。。



Sunday, May 8, 2011

A new member of 2109~~!!

!!!!~~Deng Deng Deng Deng~~!!!!
~Proudly introducing~
the NEW member of 2109
<3 Little Bob<3

Also knows as bobo (nickname), 波仔for Cantonese ~~!!

~The story of how I met Bob~
It happened in a morning....
Usual day...where i wake up late and went down to living room...
Start my day with a glass of juice and revision for exam...
Here is where the story begins....
When I open the door.. I saw two cats.....focusing on a spot....
and the 'spot' end up to be a little poor hamster~~!!! OMG~~!!! i was shocked....and honestly....i'm not that 100% sure whether that is a hamster or a rat by that time...>.<...please forgive me for being ignorant...@.@
But still...i managed to respond fast enough to call my dear in helping me to rescue the 'hamster/rat" before the little thing become the cats' meal...
The two evil cat is so fierce....don't even feel scare when chasing them away...and the hamster run fast..>.<....
the Hero of the Day...Desmond to capture and save it.... is one of the member of 2109~~!!!
and the story ends here...XD unexpected....i've always wanted to adopt a pet...a hamster or a puppy....
but comes a little cute hamster...hehe...
This little hamster love to curl like a ball and sleep...and is a HE~~!!this is why I called it BOB...boboXD
and we brought a new cage for it....just a little 'single storey house'..with a hamster run way..hehe..
sorry ya BOB..we can't afford a 'bungalow' for u...:p

the 'single storey house' that i mentioned^^

It is so cute when he run in the 'ball'...when he eat...he sleep...wipe his face...and many more...
IT is JUST so CUTE~~!!!
but it is very naughty....a 'spider-hamster' that can climb on the bar of the cage...even reach to ceiling of the time i will train him to run on the ping pong ball..XD

But still..we are all so happy with the presence of BOB...!!!

<3Little BOB<3

~happy to have a new pet^^luv u BOB~

Happy Mother's Day^^

To all great MA MA...
especially my superb Mom, aunt and grandma...


wish u all happy always, stay healthy, safe and sound.
a big thanks for bringing me to this world and things that u have contribute to us..~~!!!
and sorry for hurting u sometimes...
promise will be a good girl^^

~sorry for not celebrating wif u tis year..>.<~

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year~~~2011~~^^ (to-do list)

Hooray~~another year....indicate another beginning of my life^^
Received a good news from my friends~~^^ I get a band 4 for my MUET exam^^
What a good start for this new year~~!! time to renew my to-do list for year 2011~~

To- do list 2011
  • Academic- In this new year, must maintain my CGPA above 3.0. If can.. will try my best to hit 3.5^^..attend all 100%  also will have 80%..XD(wil try my best la~~>.<)...
  • Lifestyle- Wish to have a healthy lifestyle... Sleep early wake up early~~^^ as Chinese saying goes '早起的鸟儿有虫吃' I want to be the early bird XD...balanced diet~~everyday 3 meals..(breakfast, lunch and dinner and and AND NO SUPPER~~!!)
  • Habits- Get rid of some bad habits~~say bye bye to SUPPER...bye bye to LAST MINUTES WORK...bye bye to PROCRASTINATING...bye bye to BATH LATE AT NIGHT...!!!( Try My Best....>.<) hehehe..bye bye to FB GAME????(NO Way~~!!XD)
  • Friendships and Social- expand my networking and by the same time maintain my friendships. Love and care them as always~~^^
  • Family- Spend more quality time with them. Since my sis and cousin will be going to Taiwan soon..So, I will take the place of them and accompany and care my family more^^..Love you all^^
  • Relationship- Since I had already FOUND take my love and care u as always^^..hehehe..
  • Financial- Is time to have a comprehensive financial planning and start SAVING now~~!!! To avoid BANKRUPTCY~XD and clear my debts....hehehe...and the most important a guarantee for my future life...hehe..
  • Keep FIT- hehe..girls won't satisfied with their weight despite that they are already slimXD...Moreover...I gained weight in past few semester....So...IS TIME TO KEEP FIT....GYM TIME..~~!!!XD
  • Travel- AS saying goes...'Travel Broadens The Mind'~~100% this new year..wish that I can travel more...with friends and family....^^
  • Reading- erm...MUST at least read 3 books this year~~^^..start searching for adventurous or love novel..hehe...or some self motivational books^^
  • LEARN- 'Is never too old to learn'~~ continuous self- learning..not only for academic purpose..gain some extra knowledge^^
  • Appreciate, Forgive and Forget- Appreciate all the things that I have~~^^ Forgive those who hurt, hate and leave me^^..and Forget all those miserable memory^^...By the way....sorry for giving so much trouble..hehehe
At last, wish everyone will have a good year~~^^..
~Get what you want~
~Be healthy~
~Happy Always~^^
~Thank you for being in My LIFE~
Muackss <3